Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Carly's 8th Birthday Party!

This weekend was Carly's 8th birthday party. We had a "pampered puppy" party where the girls got to wear big feather boas and hats, get their makeup done and create their own stuffed animal puppies. We all had a blast! Can you believe my little girl has gotten so big?!
Here is Carly showing off her gorgeous feather hat!

What a group of girls we had!

Puppy Cake!!

Carly's face as she got her first look at her present - a new bike!!


Brian -n- Laura said...

She is so beautiful! Sad that the last time I saw her, she wasn't sleeping through the night yet...time flies! Totally random, but the day after we talked on the phone, I took some film in to be developed that we unpacked recently...turns out that it was 10 years old and about 8 of the rolls are either of us and Trinity or us at your apartment and your wedding...random huh!? Love y'all!

Kristen said...

Holy cow she is so grown up looking!! I can't believe how long her hair is!! Girl birthday parties look so much fun! You are such a cute mom!!

Jaclyn said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY ROSE! I'll be thinking of you on our special day. Man Jill, you really know how to throw a good birthday party, but you always have. I am going to be calling you for some b-day tips in December. The blog looks great.