Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brady's Preschool Graduation

Brady is stylin' in his graduation cap!!

Brady & his AWESOME teacher!!

See my diploma??

Even Daddy got in on the cap action!

Today was Brady's preschool graduation and, as you can see, it was a smashing success! They wore graduation caps made out of paper bowls & yarn and got to do a march to receive their diplomas. They sang all of their favorite songs for the parents and the teacher even made a DVD for each of the parents of pictures and songs from throughout the year. We had a really fun time celebrating the fact that my baby is growing up!! Next week is Parkers kindergarten graduation, and before I know it they'll be wearing black and marching for real!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kindergarten Homework...AAARRGH!

So Parker's homework for kindergarten this week was to make a pinata! Who knew that homework for a kindergarten class could be so complicated!! We started out with the intentions of making a mouse but soon realized that the grey metallic tissue paper we bought to cover the whole thing was indeed green. So plans quickly changed. Parker wouldnt get his hands in the goop and so the whole thing ended up being another "mommy project." In the end, we got a palm tree (something seen often here in the desert oasis)! Hope you all like how it turned out!