Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Mmmm...homemade hot rolls and honey butter! My house smells so good!

I love pulling freshly baked goods out of the oven and feeling a sense of accomplishment for what you have created. I LOVE staying home every day!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break!!

My kids are on spring break for the next two weeks, so we have lots of fun things planned to keep them busy. A few days ago we went to a free kids clinic at Lowes where the kids had fun making table top basketball hoops! They looked so cute in their little safety goggles, using tiny hammers!

For St. Patricks day we made "pot of gold" cupcakes. We had fun layering different colors of batter to make a "rainbow." White "cloud" frosting, topped by a Rolo "pot of gold" made for a fun afternoon!

We are looking forward to many more fun times over the next few weeks! Hooray for Spring Break!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wild About Animals!!

Today I had the pleasure of being a parent volunteer at Parker's class field trip. (A first for me!!) The class has been learning about animals this quarter so the field trip theme was "Wild About Animals." Each child was given a colored t-shirt to place them into groups. And everyone was given a really cute animal hat to wear. Parker was excited because he was given a panda bear hat! We are extremely lucky because the amazing Wildlife World Zoo is only a few miles down the road and they brought animals to show the kids. It was fun seeing all the cute creatures, including an albino ferret, an Australian bushbaby, and a sugar glider! I wasnt as thrilled with the reptile exhibit, which included a corn snake, giant poisonous toads, gila monsters, and a massive boa constrictor. The end piece was a HUGE tarantula that climbed all over the instructors arms! (Shudder!) Parker had fun feeling different fur pieces/textures, making a jungle photo frame, and looking at the display of the dioramas that all the kids had made for homework. All in all it was a smashing success and I look forward to the next field trip! (Which would be Brady's St Patty's Day celebration tomorrow!)

All of the darling first graders in their shirts and hats

A giant boa constrictor named "Ceasar"

Check out the guy's hand - you'll find a tarantula named "Charlotte"

Panda Parker

Making a jungle photo frame - they turned out really cute!

Mommy loves volunteering at school!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Three Updates in One!

I know it has been many months since I have last updated my blog, so I thought I would give you all several updates at once! It has been a VERY busy few months, with MANY big changes in the Walters home! James got promoted to the position of manager at the hospital! Although he is still working nights, it has allowed him to cut down to only 3 days a week! Jill quit her job and is now staying home with the kids. It has been a good change that has brought a cleaner home, volunteering time at the kids school, and more time for family prayer and FHE (and hopefully it will also mean a frequently updated blog)! Carly is super busy with volleyball club, and the boys start baseball season next week! Here are some fun pics to show you how we are growing!

3-D Farm Animals
Brady has been learning about farm animals in school this month, culminating with his class play "The Three Piggy Opera." Brady was thrilled to be given the part of Wolf! One of his homework projects was to create a 3-D model of a farm animal. We settled on baby chicks.

Here is Brady putting paper-mache yarn on a balloon to make a "nest."

Here are the cute "chicks" we made out of pom-poms!

Ta-Da! The finished product!

Here is Brady holding his nest at the play! We had so much fun!!

My Little Man
I can't believe that Parker turns 8 this year! We are working on getting ready for his baptism, reading the scriptures and, of course, looking forward to scouts!! Here is a cute pic of my little man all ready for church!
He has been wanting a white shirt and tie for so long, but they are difficult to find down here. We were lucky to find this set (and one for his brother!) when the Easter outfits came out. Yippee!!

My Crazy Kids
We have been having so much fun with our kids lately! They have grown into wonderful, fun, loving little people! Here are some cute pics to show their silly side.

Hooray for spring time!

Being goofy at the park.

Aargh, you are defeated!!

Triumphant Victory!!

So, as you can see, the Walters five is alive, well, and having a great time!